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Do you know the process by which Anne's Diary, a book we have often heard of, came out into the world? Anne, born in 1929, wrote faithfully for over two years as a person in the history of World War II and as a girl in the diary she shared with her friend. Take a walk and see the historical sites that she wrote about, including the situations of the times she saw and the atrocities of the Nazis.
Since you are accompanied by a local professional guide, you can enjoy the tour while learning about it in detail one by one.
▲ Step into a scene from history.
▲ Learn about the historical secrets of that time hidden throughout the Netherlands.
▲ A local professional guide will accompany you, so you won’t miss anything!
Meeting Point:
Nieuwe Amstelstraat 1, 1011 PL Amsterdam, Netherlands
Please look for a guide holding an orange umbrella in front of the Jewish Museum.
Open in Google Maps
Mr. Visserplein, Amsterdam, 네덜란드