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southern california landmarks,
USS Iowa Battleship Museum
One of the top 10 attractions in Southern California, the USS Iowa Battleship Museum is a great destination for families. You can explore the entire USS Iowa with state-of-the-art applications. Follow in the footsteps of three generations of sailors, listen to explanations about World War II, the Korean War, and the Cold War, watch videos about the war, and experience vivid testimonies from veterans through an augmented reality tour! We also offer fun times with children and the museum’s mascot dog, Victory!
MVP Iowa Battleship of Various Wars
The Iowa Battleship is an important U.S. Navy battleship that went through World War II, the Korean War, and the Cold War. It is now docked in Long Beach after being decommissioned and has become a museum showing the past. This is a battleship museum floating on the sea, and you can see the interior, the captain's room, the living space of the sailors, and the ammunition depot.
It is also a great family travel destination as there are various experiences for children to enjoy.
address :
Iowa Museum
250 S Harbor Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90731 United States
Open in Google Maps
operating time :
10:00 AM - 16:00 PM
Last entry: Must enter by 15:00 PM.
250 S Harbor Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90731 미국