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America's largest
Musical Instrument Museum
Discover over 8,000 instruments at America's largest musical instrument museum!
The Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) in Phoenix, Arizona, is one of the largest musical instrument museums in the world. With a space of approximately 200,000 square feet, you can see instruments from over 200 different cultures and hear the sounds of the instruments on display through headsets!
Recommended museums in the US,
MIM Musical Instrument Museum
The MIM Musical Instrument Museum is one of the top 20 museums in the United States and is a must-visit when traveling to the United States. It is a special place where you can learn about world music, culture, and history, with exhibits organized by region, such as Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. We highly recommend you visit!
If you like music!
At the MIM Musical Instrument Museum, you can see unfamiliar instruments that you don't usually see easily, and there are also instruments that were actually used by legendary musicians such as Elvis Presley and John Lennon on display. If you love music, you will have a fun and educational time!
experiential exhibition
The MIM Musical Instrument Museum has a space where you can touch and play various instruments. Try playing various instruments such as drums, guitars, and marimbas!
address :
Musical Instrument Museum
4725 E Mayo Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85050 United States
Open in Google Maps
Operating hours:
Every week from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Last entry: 1 hour before closing time
4725 E Mayo Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85050, United States