In Tampa,
Great place to go with kids
Visit the Glazer Children's Museum in Tampa. The Glazer Children's Museum was established to foster creativity and dreams in young children. It is a museum that can instill dreams and hopes in children through various activities such as theater, job experience, and art experience. Spend special time with your children in various themed play areas.
Introduction to major attractions
There are many games that stimulate children’s curiosity and creativity through a variety of experiential programs such as science experiments, art activities, and performances. In particular, the outdoor space where you can enjoy water play and the experience space where you can excavate dinosaur fossils are greatly loved by children.
address :
Glazer Children's Museum
101 W Gasparilla Plaza, Tampa, FL 33602 United States
Open in Google Maps
operating time :
Closed every Monday.
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 17:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 18:00 PM
Sunday: 13:00 PM - 18:00 PM
Last admission: 1 hour before closing
110 W Gasparilla Plaza, Tampa, FL 33602, United States