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BESTWhen I went, there was a string quartet playing and I loved it. Great atmosphere. Great performance.
In Vienna,
Want to see a classical music concert?
We recommend a classical performance held at St. Peter's Cathedral located in the center of Vienna, Austria. At this performance held in the beautiful Baroque-style cathedral concert hall, you can listen to the music of famous composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert.
The performance will be performed by the Vienna Classical Ensemble, comprised of world-famous musicians.
classic ensemble vienna
Classic Ensemble Vienna is a professional orchestra that beautifully performs the works of Viennese greats such as Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, and Strauss. The Classical Ensemble Vienna holds regular concerts in Vienna's historic halls and palaces, the most famous of which is the one held in St. Peter's Basilica.
The orchestra consists of piano, string instruments (violin, cello, etc.) and wind instruments.
Peterspl. 1, 1010 Wien, 오스트리아