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Pick your dream car and enjoy a drive at the Yas Marina Circuit. Yas Marina Circuit is a Formula F1 circuit located in Abu Dhabi and is said to be the most spectacular circuit in the world. Choose one of the world's famous cars, such as the Chevrolet Camaro SS, Aston Martin GT4, and Ferrari 458 GT, and drive around the track.
Enjoy a fantastic experience that makes you feel like an F1 driver.
▲ Choose your dream car and enjoy a drive at Yas Marina Circuit.
▲ Choose one of the cars including the Chevrolet Camaro SS, Aston Martin GT4, and Ferrari 458 GT and race around the track.
▲ Enjoy a fantastic experience as if you were an F1 driver.
address :
Yas Marina Circuit, Headquarters Building, Gate 20
Yas Marina Circuit - Yas Island - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Open in Google Maps
operating time :
Daily: 09:00 AM - 23:30 PM
Yas Marina Circuit - Yas Island - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates