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Visit the Convent of Christ located in Tomar, Portugal!
The Convent of Christ, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is known to have been founded by Templars in the 12th century and initially used as a military fortress. Over its long history, it is now a famous site in Tomar, visited by many locals and tourists as an important historical and architectural site in Portugal.
Meet architecture and history
Tomar Christ Convent, which boasts about a thousand years of history, features architecture of various styles, including Romanesque, Gothic, Manueline, and Renaissance. You can also take time to learn about history and culture at the convent, which was a military fortress for Portuguese knights and a center for navigational mapping and exploration preparation during the Age of Discovery!
viewing point
Manueline Style : Christ Convent is known as a representative example of the Manueline style. This is a unique style that combines elements of Gothic and Renaissance architecture and features intricate decoration.
Jesus Cathedral (Charola) : A circular structure, it is said to have been used as a chapel for the early Knights of the Temple. The interior is decorated with colorful frescoes and sculptures.
Cloisters : The monastery has several abbeys built in different eras, and the Claustro Principal in particular is a representative example of the Renaissance style, featuring a balanced design and elegant arched structure.
address :
christ convent
Igreja do Castelo Templario, 2300-000 Tomar, Portugal
Open in Google Maps
operating time :
Every week 09:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Last admission: 1 hour before closing
Operating hours vary by season. For more details, please refer to the official website .
Igreja do Castelo Templário, 2300-000 Tomar, Portugal