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Experience a world of sensuous pleasure at the Slurmoo Experience. You can experience new pleasure by using all five senses, including slime, scent, texture, and sound. You can enjoy various experiences at each display hall provided at the Slumu Experience Center.
This activity is popular not only with children but also with adults, so be sure to visit it at least once when you travel to New York!
▲ Experience a world of sensuous pleasure at the Slurmoo experience.
▲ This activity is popular not only with children but also with adults.
▲ You can experience new pleasure by using all five senses, including slime, scent, texture, and sound.
address :
Sloomoo Institute
475 Broadway, New York, NY 10013 United States
Open in Google Maps
operating time :
Monday - Thursday: 09:00 am - 19:00 pm / Friday - Sunday: 10:00 am - 20:00 pm
However, if Monday is a working day, the service may be suspended or the schedule may be changed.
475 Broadway, New York, NY 10013 미국